Lukkede stillinger

Her kan du se de seneste opgaver vi har løst for vores kunder indenfor hvert af vores specialer.

We match people and companies
Vi er en organisation af erfarne konsulenter, der med høj faglighed, forretningsforståelse og stort branchekendskab hjælper virksomheder og kandidater til det bedste match.

Vores fundament er grundig research, sparring og rådgivning og fleksible løsninger, der altid er tilpasset den enkelte virksomhed og kandidat.

Vibenshuset, Lyngbyvej 2

2100 København Ø


Phone number

+45 32 17 17 50

Sintrupvej 71

8220 Brabrand


Phone number

+45 86 17 17 50


Customer references

Simply qualified service

”Last summer we needed two specialists ASAP and got the tip that Professionals could be a good partner. In a tough market, Professionals came back quickly with qualified candidates. Both dialogue and process are super. Most recently we asked for a top shelf mechanical engineer and closed the deal within weeks.” 

Mechanical Engineering Manager
Labelling Systems Scandinavia

Customer references

A difficult market to find highly qualified candidates

”At Milton, we were in need of everything from engineers to project managers to financial assistants during the autumn. We needed them fast and to save time we thought it would be better to have Professionals search and select for us, and they did a good job. They have since become a close partner and help us in a difficult market to find highly qualified candidates in a nick of time.”

Milton Huse